Useful information

Treatment of overweight


Overweight Treatment: In this short article, our team will try to give you some of the most useful tips for dealing with overweight.

We have tried in three important points to summarize techniques for dealing with excess weight

1. Treatment of obesity by changing eating habits

Changing your eating habits is the first step in the battle against weight gain. It usually consists in eliminating harmful and highly processed foods and drinks, with healthy, all-natural ones. This change has several important benefits, which are:

  • - Natural foods, unlike processed foods, are rich in important micro-nutrients. And our body needs them for proper function and to maintain a fast metabolism.
  • - natural foods have a smaller amount of calories per unit volume, making it much easier to stick to a low-calorie diet, which is important for treating excess weight.
  • - natural foods do not contain harmful chemicals, additives, flavourings and preservatives. This makes them a much healthier choice for our bodies.

Dietary changes to treat overweight include:

  • Calorie reduction. The key to weight loss is reducing the number of calories you take in. You can review your usual eating and drinking habits to see how many calories you typically consume. From there, you can reduce them. The standard intake is 1200 to 1500 calories for women and 1500 to 1800 for men.
  • Feel full with less. The concept of energy value can help you satisfy your hunger with fewer calories. All foods have a certain number of calories. Some foods - such as desserts, candy, fat, and processed foods are high in energy. This means that a small volume of that food has a high number of calories. In contrast, other foods, such as fruits and vegetables, have a lower energy value. These foods provide a larger portion size with fewer calories. By eating larger amounts of foods that have fewer calories, you reduce your feelings of hunger, take in fewer calories, and feel better, which contributes to the satisfaction you feel overall.
  • Lose weight healthily. To make your overall diet healthier, eat more plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates, whole grain breads. Also emphasize lean sources of protein - like beans, lentils and soy. If you like fish, try including it twice a week. Limit salt and added sugar. Stick with low-fat dairy products. Eat small amounts of fat and make sure it comes from sources that also look after your heart, such as olives, rapeseed oil and butternuts.
  • Restrict certain foods. Some diets restrict the amount of a certain food group, such as foods high in carbohydrates or full-fat foods. Ask your doctor which foods would be most effective for you. Drinking sweetened beverages, for example, is a sure way to consume more calories than you intended. Limiting these beverages, or eliminating them altogether, is a good way to start reducing calories.
Be cautious about quick results when tackling excess weight

You may be tempted by diets that promise quick and easy weight loss. However, the reality is that there are no magic foods. Modern diets may help in the short term, but we're looking for a different effect. To lose weight and keep the result, you need to acquire healthy eating habits that you can maintain over time.

2. Treatment of overweight through sport

Treating excess weight through sport has its own additional benefits and is even the first method used in some people. Sport has many benefits, the most important and basic being:

- sport generates a large calorie expenditure, regardless of what you choose to do. Thus, our body burns an additional number of calories every day, and this is a major prerequisite for losing excess weight.

- Sport strengthens the musculoskeletal system and optimizes metabolism, which increases calorie expenditure even when you are not exercising, as well as improves overall nutrient processing towards burning excess fat.

- Sport improves coordination and mental health, which influences motivation and the desire to achieve goals.

Do exercises

Overweight or obese people should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. This will prevent further weight gain or maintain the result achieved. To increase weight loss, you may need to exercise 300 minutes or more per week. You will probably need to gradually increase the time you spend exercising as your endurance improves.

Keep moving.

Although regular aerobic exercise is the most efficient way to burn calories and shed excess weight, any extra movement helps burn calories. Making simple changes throughout the day can lead to big benefits. Park further away from the entrance to shops, re-arrange your home or garden. Get up and move periodically and wear a pedometer to track how many steps you actually take in the course of a day.

3. Coping with obesity through a combination of eating habits and sport

This is undoubtedly the best approach because it combines the benefits of good nutrition and good exercise habits. In addition, with the right diet pills, the effect will not be late.
Treating excess weight through the combination of sport and good food will allow you to achieve your goals as quickly as possible and most importantly in the way that is right for our bodies, which will also guarantee long-lasting results.

Reducing calories and practicing healthier eating habits are vital to overcoming obesity. Although you can lose weight quickly, slow and steady weight loss over the long term is considered the safest and best way to keep it off for good.

Avoid drastic and unrealistic changes in your diet because they are unlikely to help you in the long run. Plan to participate in a comprehensive weight loss program for at least six or a year to increase your chances of weight loss success.

More about overweight

Being overweight is often associated with low self-esteem, discomfort in social contacts, especially with people of the opposite sex. Many overweight people deliberately avoid visiting places where clothing is more scarce - beaches, swimming pools, sports grounds. This is a huge blow to self-esteem, leads to communication problems, disrupts social life, etc.

The reasons for being overweight can be different - from hormonal imbalance caused by various diseases to pure and simple overeating and immobility. Very often everything starts with 2-3 harmless kilograms, which are not paid attention to until they become 10-15 and start to interfere with our normal rhythm of life.

Besides the purely aesthetic side of things, much more significant and dangerous is the impact of excess weight on our health.

Increased weight brings with it a number of negative health consequences - increased blood pressure, reduced work capacity, reduced mobility, development of a number of thyroid and heart problems. The weight of the body puts pressure on the bones, joints and blood vessels. Pain in the ankles, knees, varicose veins are some of the "bonuses" we get from our extra weight.

Accumulation of slags and fats on our organs increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Greasing of the organs and accumulation of visceral fat on the abdomen can be the cause of difficulty in passing stools, accumulation of hard fecal matter in our intestines and putrefaction, which is a guarantee of inflammation and a number of diseases.

The first step to change is to become aware of the problem and change the direction in which we are moving. Our body is the most valuable investment we can make if we want to enjoy good health and good performance in old age.

Proper nutrition, movement and positive emotions are the three most important steps to change.

Treatment for overweight and obesity

Overweight is characteristic of several conditions of the human organism. A significant part is occupied by improper, uncontrolled nutrition. Obesity is considered a pathological condition characterized by the accumulation of an excessive amount of adipose tissue. There is an increase in the size of fat cells.

Overweight and obesity is the result of a disturbed energy balance. Depending on the degree of fat accumulation, the conditions are characterized as overweight or obese.

Obesity is considered a medical condition with many health risks. Increased risk of heart disease is one of the most significant dangers. No less is the harm to a person's mental state. Overweight and obesity lead to significantly reduced self-esteem, even a complete lack of it, restricted social contacts and self-isolation, suicidal thoughts, etc.

What could be the main reasons:

  • Systemic food abuse
  • Disturbed hormonal balance
  • Genetic factors - in the presence of even one parent with such a problem, the probability of giving the child is close to 40%
  • Psychological factors
Treatment methods vary and are determined by the type and cause of this condition. The main treatments are:
  • Dietetics
  • Increasing motor activity
  • Psychological treatment or behavioural therapy
  • Medicamentous treatment
  • Surgical intervention for the most serious conditions

For prevention and weight management, follow these rules:

  • Eat a balanced diet and watch your calorie balance - take in less than you use
  • Focus on nutritious food made up of vegetables, protein, slow carbohydrates and fruit
  • Minimize intake of pasta and sweets
  • Take plenty of fluids - preferably water, no sweetened drinks
  • Increase your physical activity

See also weight loss product Reductil HERE!