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Shock weight loss without yo-yo effect. How to achieve it?

In this article, our team will aim to give you basic tips on impact weight loss without yo-yo effect.

Shock weight loss without yo-yo effect

1. Reduce calories below 1000 per day

This no yo-yo approach to weight loss works flawlessly and is guaranteed to reduce a large amount of weight in a very short time. Usually, a healthy body, consumes on average between 1800-2700 kcal daily, depending on gender, height, weight, etc. By limiting calories to a maximum of 1000 per day, you will make a huge calorie deficit, which will cause your body to use the maximum amount of subcutaneous fat for energy. To lose weight without the yo-yo effect, however, you need to limit the amount of time you eat so few calories to a few weeks and/or you can periodically do high calorie power periods, then go back to low calorie eating.

2. Train very actively

Through daily workouts, you will be able to lose weight quickly and without the yo-yo effect, for two reasons. The first reason is that high physical activity creates a high caloric expenditure, which automatically creates a prerequisite for rapid weight loss. This is due to the fact that in the absence of energy from food, the body begins to use stored energy in the form of subcutaneous fat. The second reason is that physical activity leads to an overall speeding up of the metabolism absolutely all the time, as well as allowing the proper use of nutrients. Workouts can be of different kinds.

3. Reduce fat and carbohydrate intake

Apart from calorie reduction, further reduction of carbohydrates and fats, at the expense of increased protein intake, is among the most qualitatively used techniques for weight loss without the yo-yo effect (impact weight loss diet). By reducing fat and carbohydrate intake, the body is forced to use even more of the stored subcutaneous fat. Again, periodic replenishment of carbohydrates and fats should be done.

4. Use weight loss products

Weight loss products are a safe and proven method for impact weight loss without the yo-yo effect. They stimulate metabolism, give energy, suppress appetite and cleanse the body of harmful toxins. By using weight loss products like Reductil, you guarantee yourself fast weight loss without yo-yo effect, as fast as possible and completely safe.

5. The yo-yo effect

Many people who want to lose weight aim for quick weight loss without the yo-yo effect. However, it occurs frequently. This is mainly due to poor dieting strategy that leads to weight regain after they have completed their regime. The yo-yo effect is a vicious cycle that is difficult to break out of and can have adverse effects on your body and health.

Benefits of weight loss

Losing weight can make you healthier visually, but the physical and mental stress of losing weight and then gaining it back again and again is more damaging. Maintaining your weight and focusing on your health is actually more important than losing weight. Stop your "eating regimen." Trying to lose weight read your whole life? It's best to let go of that thought and stop focusing on your weight and start taking care of yourself, your health. Give yourself time. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Working on your health is a slow and learning process. A healthy body weight should not be your goal, but the result of the things you do. Set small goals and slowly make permanent changes to your current lifestyle. Not only is this best for your health, but it also reduces the risk of falling into your old habits. Your chances of losing weight with your new lifestyle are much greater. But more importantly, you'll do it in a healthy way and get out of the endless cycle of the yo-yo effect once and for all.

Yo-yo effect in weight loss

We've all heard the expression yo-yo effect when it comes to weight loss. What does it mean?

Literally yo-yo comes from the name of a toy that moves up and down, which is also associated with the movement of weight. The term yo-yo in dietetics was introduced in 1977. A normal and healthy weight loss is considered to be 0.5 to 1 kg. per week, when following a diet combined with exercise. It is considered that losing weight at this rate, more difficult can lead to a yo-yo effect. The critical period after weight loss is defined within 20 days. After that it takes another month + a few days for the body to adapt to the new parameters.

Yo-yo or body weight cycle. It is alternating weight loss and weight regain. This is most often seen when following a particular diet where quick results are sought. The fluctuating weights can be small values of 3-4 kg to larger values, even over 15-20 kg.

What happens when you lose weight suddenly?

The reason for the sudden weight loss can be different - from various diseases, mental conditions and most often when fasting in order to lose weight quickly. In this process, the lost weight is based on a large amount of water from the body. The cells are drained and this can be termed as unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss. Toxins accumulate in the body, physical strength and activity decreases, it affects the condition of the skin and all vital processes in the body. Health and physical activity levels depend largely on the food we eat. When a balanced and healthy menu is not present in our daily routine, easy fatigability and fading of our skin are guaranteed.

Yo-yo weight loss is just as harmful as obesity. With constant weight loss and gain, a large amount of toxins are deposited, leading to various damages, especially to the liver. There is a loss of muscle tissue and bone density, a noticeable slowing of metabolism. When discontinuing the diet, the body quickly begins to regain weight in the form of fat, mainly due to disturbed balance in the metabolic processes in the body. Often, the regained weight is much more than the weight you lost.

How to avoid it?

Don't look for quick results. They bring short-term pleasure and long-term harm. Harm done in this way is difficult to overcome, and sometimes leaves a mark on our health for life. If you are set on the path of losing weight, do it slowly, gradually and thoughtfully, only in this way will you be able to enjoy a healthy weight and good condition for a long time.

The reason for the sudden weight loss can be different -
drastic diets, stress or other conditions in which the body takes significant
reduced number of calories. This slows down the metabolism, changes the biochemical
processes in the body.

Abrupt weight loss leads to loss of muscle tissue, which plays a significant role in metabolism. The body with more muscle has a faster and better metabolism. When muscle tissue is disrupted and lost, this process is impaired.